Pompeji 1993
Scanned photos from paper copies

Riva del Sole 2000
Scanned photos from paper copies
Passing Austria and northern Italy on our way to Riva del Sole
Santuario di Oropa
We have a pool!
And a beach!!

Rome 1993
Scanned photos from paper copies
View of St. Peter's from Via delle Conciliazione
The Fountain of the Naiads in front of Basilica Saint Mary of Angels and Martyrs
Monument to Cavour
Piazza dell'Esquilino
Tiber River (Fiume Tevere)
Monument of Vittorio Emanuele II
Colosseum (originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre)
Archaeological area of the Imperial Fora
Trajan's Market (Mercati di Traiano)
Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine
Torre delle Milizie
Arco di Costantine

Rome 2000
Scanned photos from paper copies
Arco di Costantine
Spanish Steps
La Fontana di Trevi

Ancona 2012
Business trip (with food and drinks)
Walking back to the hotel after an amazing dinner
Museo della Citta di Ancona